Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globe dissappointments

I watched the Golden Globe's last night a friends house (great party by the way, especially when the futon broke!) And again it has become obvious that it's not only Hollywood, but the entire foreign press who is biased against babies. I defy the movie industry to continue one more day with out babies. You know what would happen?...NOTHING. I have done extensive research and 78.9% or working actors in Hollywood are babies. Yet they get no respect. Let's analyze some recent movies, that I haven't seen but I feel completely qualified to comment on. #1 Children of Men: this whole movie revolves around a world that is in chaos because there are no more babies. Hello! Does anybody agree with this? I DO!!! #2 Charlotte's Web: a movie about a baby pig. Don't even get me started about how cute animal babies are...we will be here all night!

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