Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emmy's 2008: Dominated by Chuck Norris

Wow, eventhough the actuall Emmy broadcast was disappointing, no one could be dissapointed in the results. Joshua's portrayal of a young Chuck Norris in the true story "Savin' Asia: AMERICAN STYLE". When Asia was threatened by an abominable snowman with rabies and ninja skills, who did we call on as a country and as the human race to save us? Chuck Norris of course. And when we needed to tell that story on the big screen in a way that makes you laugh, cry, hiccup, and sneeze all at once? Joshua! He's so famous he only needs one name. The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences was so confident in his ability he was awarded the Emmy before the movie was over! He also won best supporting actor, best director, best producer, best writing, and best American, for "Savin' Asia: AMERICAN STYLE". Kudos Joshua, you are the Chuck Norris of your generation! To top off the night Josh was awarded a lifetime achivement award and he's only 7! What's next? Joshua will be fighting for Baby's rights at the Oscars just like he Kung Fu kicked his way into the Emmy's. Watch out Academy or he will call Chuck Norris and you don't want that. YOU-SO-DON'T-WANT-THAT.

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